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Full Body Workout 330 Reps!

Rychlost.cz - poptávka připojení

Hi guys, today we have the challenge of time/-20 minutes, depending on your strength and endurance.This workout is a whole-body workout, where you see how you're able and work properly. Do we do 5 different exercises that drive total three times and in this exact order.
20x Lunge Fly Jump
10x Burpee & Push Up
20x Pendulum
20x Side Crunch / L
20x Side Crunch / R
20x Knee Rises
My score:   16:06 ! Yeach :-)
This all 3X !!!
Enjoy Your Workout

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Odkaz na video najdete zde: http://youtu.be/OBPx68Dqx2w


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