Hi guys, this is the training meant for fat loss, cardio and toning the body.If you are a beginner, you have only one round, advanced will be making the rounds.My score for the first round was 13: 20 minutes and two whole rounds I did for 28: 51 minutes.Try this workout done in the shortest possible time.So push hard and not to be afraid.Set the timer as a stopwatch and come on it.
10x Side Burpees / L
100x Skipping With Rope
10x Side Burpees /R
100x Skipping With Rope
10x Lunge Backwar/Side / L
10x Lunge Backwar/Side / R
100x Skipping With Rope
15x Triceps Crunch/L
15x Triceps Crunch/R
100x Skipping With Rope
30x Iron Butterfly
100x Skipping
20x Prisoner Stand Up
Enjoy Your Workout
Odkaz na video najdete zde:http://youtu.be/jMzPMWAj2Fg ČÁST I.
Odkaz na video najdete zde:http://youtu.be/GE_tnrq90GQ ČÁST II.